Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wikileaks A Perfect Record Forever - 1271 Words

analyses.† They get their sources from anonymous people and groups all over the world, which led to the publication of over 10 million documents and associated analyses. It is stated that, â€Å"Although no organization can hope to have a perfect record forever, thus far WikiLeaks has a perfect in document authentication and resistance to all censorship attempts.† Moreover, WikiLeaks won numerous of awards for many years now, which proves that they are really credible sources and they deliver the truth that everyone deserves to know. â€Å"We publish without fear or favor, bringing transparency to powerful factions and secretive institutions, not taking any sides except that of the truth. We believe in the democratization of information and the power that knowledge gives to people to further peace, accountability and self-determination.† A recent news is about the thousands of deleted emails of Hillary Clinton when she was the Secretary of State and went against t he law by using her own private server. These email leaks may have affected the last presidential election since citizens discovered something that they do not like. It is indicated that, â€Å"WikiLeaks has contractual relationships and secure communications paths to more than 100 major media organizations from around the world. This gives WikiLeaks sources negotiating power, impact and technical protections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve.† Almost everyone in this world pretty sure knows by heart theShow MoreRelatedWar Is A Driving Factor2157 Words   |  9 Pagesfurther, larger and larger contraptions were built. Catapults, trebuchets, and other mechanical monstrosities were created in order to overwhelm one’s opponent even more. Then came the 1600’s, the birth of the firearm; the invention which changed war forever. Suddenly attacks could become impersonal, done from a distance. Then came the world wars, where much of today’s technology was created: rockets, poison gas, machine guns, planes, and most prominently, atomic weapons. With one attack, an entire city

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